
E-posters will be displayed on large LCD touch screens for the duration of the conference (Wednesday morning – Friday afternoon). Their authors will also have an opportunity to make a short introduction to their e-posters in moderated sessions.
About e-posters:
E-posters can be presented in either PPT(X) or JPG format (1 PPT(X) slide or JPG file). MS PowerPoint, Apple Keynote or specialized graphic software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign) can be used for their design (see below).
Dimensions of the e-poster screen are 67 x 96,15 cm (w x h). However, your e-poster doesn’t have to fit exactly into these dimensions – its width will automatically adjust to 67 cm and its height is not limited as it can be scrolled by hand. It will be possible to zoom smaller details on the e-posters (e.g. pictures, graphs, tables).

If you wish to include an audio or video, please use the PPT(X) format and insert it into the second slide. 
How to prepare and submit your e-poster:
1. preset the document size (recommended width 67 cm, height as needed)
2. insert texts, pictures…
3. please send the document in PPT(X) or JPG format (recommended resolution 300 dpi, minimum 100 dpi) by Monday, August 10 to amca@amca.cz.